Before the Phillies completed the deal for Lidge, manager Charlie Manuel and GM at Gillick phoned Myers at his Jacksonville, Fla., home. Assistant GM Ruben Amaro said Myers "in some ways was a little reluctant [to move back to the rotation]" but described him as "the ultimate team player."
"We put Brett in a tough role last year as a closer, and he excelled at it," pitching coach Rich Dubee said. "He can excel as a starting pitcher. He has excelled in the past. With him and Hamels, we have a solid 1-2 punch. It definitely helps our rotation greatly."
Those are some nice words from your Assistant GM and pitching coach. So, how does team player Brett Myers respond?
Said Myers: "There are positives in this. I think I've proven myself as a closer and as a starter. If the time comes and I'm on the market as a free agent, instead of two teams needing a starter and two needing a closer, I can make myself available as both to 30 teams.Glad you're in it for the Phillies, Brett.
"This doesn't mean I'm unhappy in Philly. I love the team. I love the fans. But from a personal standpoint, this certainly can help me in the long run."
I don't think this is exactly breaking news. This is the same guy who was seen dragging his wife down Boylston Street by her hair in Boston two years back.
Very true. I always find it refereshing, however, when there are new reasons to call out a known asshole.
I can relate to that. Down with assholes.
True dat- Myers is an asshole (but not for saying that his flexibility makes him more marketable).
The most savvy MLB teams develop complex analyses that reduce players to a collection of variably fungible skills.
Myers' is an entirely fair position. (And it doesn't mean that increased marketability is his sole motivation for rolling with the Phil's changing job requirements.)
Next time your practice pulls you into a new (and marketable) niche, I don't want you updating your bio, Shyster. No looking around the market to see who might make you a partner or increase your take home.
You just do it for TH, tiger.
Context matters, anonymous. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Myers becoming more marketable and seeing his multiple roles as something valuable for himself.
The difference is that he's publicly stating how great this all is for his own marketability right when his bosses are thanking him for being such a team player.
To use your analogy, I agree that it would be a great thing for me personally if my law firm put me into some new, marketable niche by virtue of assigning me to a big new case in a big new area for client X.
It would be inapporpriate for me to, at the time, say, I was first subject to a media inquiry about that news case, to say how great an opportunity this is for me personally. Rather, I would hope that I would say something about how my energies were now going to be put into achieving clint X's goals.
I can tout my personal flexibility all I want a couple of years later when I update my resume.
Your point is well taken, but a few counterpoints...
1. There may very well be some good strategic reasons to address the media concerning a case, but I would argue that, along with that legitimate strategic interest, almost every lawyer will have show real personal discipline in not being motivated at all by the value of his/her association with that high profile case in the public eye (where prospective employers and clients are watching). That's not to say the pub is motivation-- but the subtle branding is a nice perk.
2. Lawyers must strive to abide by ethical obligations that require them to put the client first. The commodification of players (who are bought and traded) makes the sort of discretion you're expecting out of Myers are bit unfair.
3. Brett Meyes deserves the benefits of context just as much as you do. Here's the beginning of the quote you posted:
"I understand what's going on, and I understand that for this team, me going back to being a starter is the move to make," Myers said. "I definitely like closing more. I like having the ball in my hands four or five days [a week]. The only thing I don't like in starting is, I may go nuts those four days in between getting the ball."
His answer, in full, is Meyer's honest assessment of the benefits and disadvantages of the Phillies' decision.
I don't remember for sure, but haven't the Phillies actively looked at trading Myers, and stated so in public? If so, then Myers has the right to express his opinion, as the team has shown him that they view him as a piece of meat, to be used as they see fit.
If they haven't, then agreed, he should keep his mouth shut. Until such time as the Phils put him on the trade block, or guarantee they won't cut him.
Shyster, wiht all due respect, if your firm had called you in and told you, or made it publicy known, that they were looking for someone to replace you, then didn't, you view this differently.
And what does Myer's incident with his wife have to do with anything? I don't condone such behavior, but it was handled by the cops and finished. This is just the like everyone who wrote about the Cardinals this year. Whether it was a win, a loss, or anything in between, every writer had to make sure they could point out that they could read someone else's colunm and talk about LaRussa's DUI. It had nothing to do with the subject, but they sure had to mention it.
Isn't it possible anymore to actually focus on the game anymore, and leave the Hollywood Acess stuff where it belongs?
64cardinals, I think the point kevin was making is that Brett Myers being an ass is evidenced by his treatment of his wife. Thus, we all knew he was an ass and shouldn't be surprised that his response to the situation was all about him and not about the Phillies.
And, I agree Myers is an ass.
I agree also, he is an ass. But so was Ty Cobb. And Alex Rodriguez likes strippers.
My point is, what does any of this have to do with the game?
Build me a team based on perfect personalities and I'll show you a team that finishes in the second division every year.
If Jonathon Papplebon had said the same thing, would anyone have made an issue of it?
Anon, ( or anybody else ) pardon my ignorance, what is the meaning of TH?
Yes Myers is an a__hole, get in line. Rightly or wrongly ( wrongly, but I'm as guilty as the next fan ) we don't care. Myers, Thomas / Dolan, Vick, Pac Man.....business is booming. Just win baby.
Yes Craig, Myers's comments look selfish but I doubt his teammates and superiors care.
I would bet most of his teammates are unaware of his comments, they're jocks not fans and find their recreation outside of reading about sports. Further, when made aware, they would be sympathetic to Myers' stance. They are the muscle, they are a commodity and are treated as such. Myers' comments reflect that knowledge.
Gillick and Manuel shouldn't care. He's agreed to return to the rotation, abiding by their wishes. I've read that Manuel is a big fan of Myers. I wouldn't be surprised. Myers allowed Manuel to abuse him during the last desparate weeks of the playoff run. That earns the respect of teammates and management more than remarks made to the press.
Pete: "TH" is the abbreviation for the law firm I work for, Thompson Hine. I presume that Anonymous looked it up. I'm totally Googleable. Not that I mind. If I did, I wouldn't have put my real name in my bio.
If the quick reference to your firm was out of bounds, I apologize. I was under the impression that it was common knowledge to your readership.
There was no intent to 'out' you for working at a highly respected Ohio law firm. Just for being a little corporate-side in your mindset.
Absolutely no problem, anon. Seriously, it's public knowledge. I hope I didn't make you think I was taking offense. Totally cool.
And yeah, I tend to err too far on the side of corporate from time to time. We all have our blind spots!
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