At the Brother's Two Lounge just south of Snyder Avenue on Broad Street in South Philly, hundreds of patrons erupted in celebration seconds after Brad Lidge struck out the final Ray and the Phillies became World Champs for the first time in 28 years. Then, at least half of those inside the bar headed for the coolers, started buying up as much beer as they could, and headed out to party on Broad Street.Giovanni Gervasi and his friends jumped up from their seats and started spraying everyone in the bar with beer after the final pitch. "I can't explain my feelings right now," Gervasi said, jubilantly, beaming from ear to ear. "I'm taking a 40-ounce and going to Broad Street. I just want everyone to have fun and celebrate."
Enjoy it, Philadelphia! You've certainly waited long enough.
Congratulations, Phillies and Phillies fans. From almost the exact moment in game two when I proclaimed to friends that Philadelphia wouldn't score another run the whole series, they dominated.
Good to see the NL win another. When do pitchers and catchers report?
Best. Dogpile. Ever.
I was screaming at Brad Lidge from my living room to get the hell off his knees before he found himself under Ryan Howard. Sadly, he didn't listen to me, and I had to suffer through long moments of sympathy claustrophobia and vicarious suffocation.
Worth mentioning at this point that I'm a claustrophobic with an intense fear of suffocation.
Is 28 years really that long? There are 31 other teams. How long have the Rangers, Pirates, etc. waited? Not that 28 years isn't a long time, but I don't think it's that much of a "drought". All things considered, congratulations to the Phillies even though I hate you. I agree with Levi. When do pitchers and catchers report? Oh crap, we have the WBC next year, don't we?
My wife has photographic evidence of me jumping around our living room and shouting "Why can't us!" at the top of my lungs.
And right now, I don't care :-)
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia!
mark - There are 29 other teams and hell yeah, 28 years is a long time! Imagine going 28 years between...well, just be happy for the Phils!
This is first time I've rooted for the NL in....maybe forever. Congrats Charile Manuel!
Yeah, I just realized that. I was having a football argument with my roommates, and I guess I was stuck in that mindset. Anyway, it's hard to be happy for a division rival. :)
Was at the game. Final out was made, and I went screaming around the concourse, hugging strangers and jumping around. Today... was a good day.
Missing almost a week of law school to be at this game was completely worth it. I still haven't seen the celebration because as soon as Lidge threw that final strike I was engulfed in a sea of hugs and high-fives that I would never forget if I hadn't been delirious from joy.
World Series Champions.
The last time any Philadelphia team won a championship I was less than a year old (the Sixers in '83). The wait was definitely worth it. I can't imagine a happier day in my life.
World Series Champions.
A few thoughts:
1. Chasse Utley's REDONCULOUS play better be put over that fraud Derek Jeter's lucky play against the A's. Utley's play was skill and athleticism, as well as containing those "instincts" which St. Derek's play apparently had. Although I believe that was just luck, and the only luck in Utley's play was that Bartlett was running home.
2. How many DPs did "GIDP" Upton ground into this series? I distinctly remember 3.
3. Themarksmith -- it's not the 28 years. It's the previous ONE championship in 125 years. It's also the BS attention that the Red Sawx and Cubs get about their futility, while the Phillies were constantly overlooked -- leading to a complex in Philadelphia, accentuating the problem.
4. Hamels is the s&#$!!!
5. I'll miss Pat the Bat . . .
6. Maddon blew using David Price, BIG TIME . . .
I was certainly pulling for the Phillies though I am a AL guy mainly because I wanted the city of Philadelphia to enjoy the glow of a championship. As a lifelong fan of all things Boston I certainly appreciate the 'ache' to celebrate a championship.
After the Sox ended their futility I made brief calls to my dad and brother, tipped a beer to the team and enjoyed one of the best nights sleep I can remember. No screaming, no dancing - just one of the better moments of peace that I recall. Also hearing how overjoyed my dad was and knowing his ache was gone was almost overwhelming - I only wish I could have given it to his as I gift years earlier.
Enjoy the moment Philly, celebrate it with those who are close to you and enjoy some peaceful rest.
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