The question: Would you take a 60 mph pitch directly in the nads -- and IMy response: I've been married for over 13 years. I have two kids, a mortgage, and no reasonable way to escape the legal profession any time soon. On top of that I'm bald, I live in Ohio, and my parents recently moved to a place less than two miles from my home.
mean directly -- for 1.2 million?
Where do I f*ckin' sign up for the changeup to the crotch thing?
Wanna trade lives?
I bet not!!!!
I suppose not. But how about we do a three week on/one week off kind of deal?
Problem is this guy lawyers got a huge chunk of the settlement - fortunately you get to cut out the lawyers and represent yourself if you can get past the PTSD (i.e. post-testicular stress disorder).
Now that's funny!!!
can you sign up twice?
like one ball for each, you know, ball?
that's 2.4 million.
craig can be my lawyer.
Sign me up. You can stand me on a lazy susan, give a spin and keep taking shots at me, $1.2 million a shot. Just give me a goalie mask and have at it.
I can be some freaky carnival attraction for the rich and famous.
"come plunk some dude anywhere you want for $1.2 million a shot!"
If i didn't know when the hit was coming I would do it in a cocaine heartbeat. But I really don't think I have the testicular fortitude to stand there and not flinch as someone fires baseballs at my crotch.
Hilarious. I'm 23 and plan on having kids if I can trick some unsuspecting woman into doing so, but I would take that shot to the cajones in a heart beat if it meant I would have any student loans after law school.
Too bad there are many batting cages in the Loop.
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