Ryan Howard was dressed in red on Wednesday, only it wasn't his Philadelphia Phillies uniform.
Howard, the 2006 NL MVP, donned a skintight, high-tech red suit dotted with 55 sensors to have his motions captured for MLB '08 The Show. The slugger will be on the cover of the video game, which will be released March 4 for PlayStation2, PlayStation3 and PlayStation Portable.
In all honesty, I could go the rest of my life without seeing the words "Ryan Howard" and "skintight" in the same article again.
It's not Ryan Howard that would scare me. He's just a big dude, not obese like El Guapo! Or El Pulpo (he of the 6 fingers on each hand)! Boomer Wells, perhaps? Kruk?
Ha....Hilarious picture....Looks like Tron!!! I'm actually really looking forward to that game. It's got some cool new features ( Batting/ Pitching analysis ) and revamped for the PS3 ( not ported).... Should be good stuff.
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