Wednesday, November 14, 2007


The Mets are reportedly going after Yorvit Torrealba to fill the catching vacancy, and "are willing to make him an offer they do not expect him to refuse."

Hmmm, if the best catcher in baseball is worth lunch at Le Cirque, I presume that means a guy who posts a .255/.323/.376 in Coors field is worth a sack of ten at White Castle, right? Wait, since it's supposed to be an "offer he can't refuse," better make that a Crave Case.

Does Omar realize that, playoff heroics aside, Lo Duca hit better than Torrealba last year? Sure, Lo Duca is, by most accounts, a major league jerk, but is a personality upgrade really worth unloading so much money on a guy who isn't necessarily going to do much to improve your team?


  1. Thank you. Don't do it Omar.

    Just discovered the site through BBTF. Looks good.

  2. Lo Duca also has a gambling problem. Torrealba can back up Castro.


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