Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Welcome to Municipal Stadium!

For better or for worse -- um, better! -- naming rights are likely to be one of the most high-profile sports casualties of these tough times.


  1. Yay! Maybe Nationals Park stays Nationals Park.

  2. Don't get your hopes up. I found it interesting that one of the economists quoted in the article suggested that prices would go down as a result of the bad economy. Now, maybe that means it won't be worth it to teams to sell their naming rights, but it also means they're willing to accept less to plaster some anonymous corporate logo on their front door.

    Remember when we used to name things after people as an honor?

  3. I swear, if Sam Zell sells Wrigley's naming rights...

    Yeah, because it would be terrible if Wrigley Field were given a corporate name in a lame attempt to sell chewing gum or some other stupid thing.


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