Friday, October 31, 2008

Take The Metro and Hoof It

Shuttles to Nationals Park from RFK will go bye-bye if one D.C. councilman has his way:

D.C. Councilmember Tommy Wells tells WTOP he is recommending to the Nationals that the shuttles stop running in 2009. "The buses add a layer of traffic that is not necessary. I would like to see them stop running." Wells says he has received numerous complaints from residents in Ward 6 about the danger of the buses as they pass through neighborhoods. Some buses also sit and idle in less than desirable locations.
Given that the Nats run these shuttles and not the city, this is merely one man's opinion, of course, but by highlighting the councilman's concern, I have a reason to run a this passage from the article:

Traffic troubles that were predicted around the stadium never really did materialize in the ballpark's first year.
Gee, I wonder why?

1 comment:

  1. Given the current level of attendance at Nats games, they don't need a shuttle, or for that matter, extra parking.


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