Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Multiple Improbabilities

For the past decade I had a bet with my brother about what would happen first: the Rays playing a game in the World Series, or Guns N' Roses releasing their long-awaited album" Chinese Democracy."

Seems it's a tie.


  1. Here's the thing, though, Craig: I know the World Series is going to start tonight and end, at the latest, next week.

    I won't believe Chinese Democracy exists until I see a copy for sale. There's still plenty of time for Axl to decide it needs another decade of tweaking.

    {Which side of the bet were you on?}

  2. I dunno, Levi. There's a single out today:

    As for me, I bet on GnR. I'm past it now, but I was in the tank for those guys for way too many years not to have given them the benefit of the doubt.

  3. That's too funny. I do remember Chinese Democracy was supposed to come out while I was still in High School....I graduated 14 years ago...

    On a funny note...when GNR got back together several years ago (sans Slash) on the MTV Awards or something, one of the radio DJ's here in San Diego made one of the funniest remarks ever. He said that they should change the name from GNR to "Fatty Magoo and a bunch of guys NOT named Slash". I still prefer that to desecrating the GNR name at this point...


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