Thursday, October 23, 2008

Let's Agree to Disagree

Drew Magary (a.k.a. "Big Daddy Drew") is not a fan of the baseball.

Warning: to say that the language, the pics, or just about anything else in that post is safe for work would be the biggest lie perpetrated on the American public since Roswell.


  1. I hate to go all Bissinger-like, but this type of crap only gives fuel to the anti-blogger movement. Doesn't it?

  2. Probably does. I'll be honest and say that I find Magary to actually be funny -- in small doses he's off-putting, but over the course of 1500 words his profanity almost becomes sublime in some weird way -- but yeah, he ain't exactly elevating the discourse.

  3. His crudeness on Deadspin fits somehow in a way that's less than vulgar, even though his stuff, at face value, is very vulgar. I usuall get a few good laughs out of his stuff.

    But I, for one, am glad football is taking a backseat to baseball on Sunday night. That's the way it should be.

  4. As if any more proof were needed football is a made for TV nonsport created for the moron hordes suffering from ADHD.

  5. i think its pretty easy to really enjoy both. ive been doing it my whole life. i also enjoy profanity.

  6. Wow. I think we've discovered the ghostwriter for Mr. Garrison's novel on South Park.

  7. KSK and Shysterball are two of my favorite blogs.

    I consider myself a thoughtful, intellectual type. I also love profanity. I love South Park and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and I also love to read books about art and ninteenth century American history.

    BDD is one of the best sports bloggers out there right now, and his profanity makes who he is. I don't believe in all this high and low discourse stuff. There's stuff I like to read, and there's stuff I don't. Sports By Brooks is a pretty "lowbrow" thing that I don't like. There's a lot of "highbrow" stuff that's too pretentious.

    Craig/Shyster - I wouldn't want you to change what you are. You're great, and I thank Neyer for continually linking to you. But Drew is great too.

  8. I won't disagree with you Grant. While he's certainly not my cup of tea, Drew is very good at what he does, and I think it comes down to the fact that no matter what you think about the profanity, his writing is honest, original, and his voice is his own. There are a lot of guys who work blue like Drew does, but they don't have his talent. I liken them to Andrew Dice Clay, whereas Drew is Richard Pryor. A couple of minor superficial similarities, but they are in totally different leagues.


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