Thursday, September 25, 2008

J.T. Snow Signs With The Giants

J.T. Snow is retiring as a San Francisco Giant.

I crack wise about it over at FanHouse.


  1. Craig - you seem to come across as open minded. What are you thoughts on topics like topics like the illuminati, new world order. Have you read or watch or even aware of these things? How do you feel about raising a family in america? If someone asked you if you thought your children would have the same freedoms you and i have, what would you say? Do you think they'll be able to make the same personal choices or do you see things becoming like a 1984 type situation. Do you think 911 was a false flag operation? I know the whole 1984 thing is overplayed but curious about your thoughts. I'm sertain you won't answer all these but i'm curious.

  2. Charlie: I'm not sure if you're being serious or not, but I tend to assume the best of people until I have reason to think otherwise. So at the risk of missing the joke, I'll give you this much:

    1. I am not a conspiracy theorist by nature. I believe in Occam's Razor, the principal of parsimony, and the notion that one should not make more assumptions than the minimum needed in order to explain anything. People are basically large-brained apes, subject to relatively base motivations and weaknesses that, for the most part, preclude the successful execution of evil genius scenarios like those you reference.

    2. Considering that I am raising a family in America I have little room for broad and unbiased speculation on the subject, but suffice it to say that I have a generalized anxiety about the future of both our country and the world, and am dubious that my children will have all of the same opportunities that my parents and I were afforded. I also desperately hope I am proven wrong about this.

    3. Re: 9/11, See #1 above. I do not think 9/11 was an inside job. That said, I do not necessarily think we know everything there is to know about it simply because American history teaches us that every major historical event comes with secrets that are not revealed until many years later. These may be major or they may be minor, but I don't think that 9/11 was a U.S. plot.

    Hope this helps you process my thoughts on J.T. Snow.

  3. hmmm...and to think, I only read it as Shyster ripping on Brain Sabean and the ridiculousness of the Snow and Giants situations. Who knew we'd get V for Vendetta'd? While we're at it, tell us what you think about The Don Killuminati and "Paul is dead".

  4. I think the Paul is Dead stuff was also hooey.

    At least until around 1970, when I'm certain that the guy who wrote "Let it Be" "Helter Skelter" and "Get Back" was killed in some horrible accident and replaced by a sappy, half-rate imposter. I mean, how else to explain Wings?

  5. Not to mention 'Ebony and Ivory'. Is there a musical equivalent of the Razzies?

  6. No, I was being serious. Thanks for answering honestly because most wouldn't. I just read your blog and you seem to be a rather open minded person so I've been wanted to ask; JT Snow clearly isn't the place but I'm curious. I can't believe more people don't realize what a sham 911 is. I know it’s a played out topic - believe me. I know real Americans innocently died because of this and I never want to diminish that but how is that any different than Pearl Harbour and the like. It was needed to create hysteria and to enact certain bill and acts that completely take away peoples freedom.
    I think you underestimate the powers of few.
    What do you think of the federal reserve and how the US government doesn't even own it?

  7. Charlie -- this is probably not the time and place for an in depth discussion about these things. I respect your right to believe what you believe about 9/11 and the abilities of powerful men, though I do believe we have some pretty large areas of disagreement.

  8. fair enough - i knew that already. you're alright, craig. keep it up alright

  9. charlie forgot to take his meds this morning


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