Sunday, August 24, 2008


For the first time in practically forever, the wife and I are loading up the Family Truckster and taking off with the ShysterKids for a few days. I thought long and hard about schlepping the laptop with me and blogging while on vacation, but ultimately decided against it. Partially because Mrs. Shyster would kill me, but mostly because I could use a couple of days off. Blogging isn't that tough a racket, but blogging and lawyering at the same time is, and one can only multitask so long without burning out.

Part of me worries that everyone will forget about ShysterBall and the reader count will go back to 12 in the few days that I'm gone, but I want to be fresh for the stretch run and the playoffs, and I think looking at a big lake, breathing some fresh air, and getting a few good nights' sleep will ensure that. The plan is to be back on Friday morning with a new "And That Happened," and to resume a full schedule after Labor Day.

So, like, come back, OK? Please?


  1. Well, I certainly can't be clogging up my RSS reader with a blog that won't be updated for four whole days. Have a nice life, Craig. It was a nice run while it lasted.

  2. I, too, have the feed. As far as I'm concerned, I don't have to come back to you. You're coming back to me. So, ya know, until Friday, enjoy the lake.

  3. Hopefully you won't have any stops at Cousin Eddie's or tag alongs from Aunt Edna and Dinky.

  4. Vegas -- I know; everything dies. I regret nothing.

    Chad: I'm actually in a pool with Christie Brinkley right now. Beverly D'Angelo is going to jump in soon. This is a great vacation.

    Thursday: thanks. The lake, she is nice.

    So yes, everyone, I did bring the computer, but no, I will not be blogging. I have some other random writing projects I'm working on, and since there is wi-fi near the lake, why not?

  5. Craigy is an addict!

    "there just happened to be wifi by the lake... and heroin in the medicine cabinet..."

  6. Craig,

    As one who just took a blog-free week off, it's exactly what the doc ordered.

    We'll be back. We're sheep. And we like a good dose of shysterisms, too!


  7. Hey, if there interested in what you're writing, they'll come back.

    And remember, its all free. So you're doing it for yourself, not anyone else.

    Time to get the book started.

  8. I'm happy for ya, bud. And jealous. And looking forward to seeing what all this tranquility yields (underneath all this good will, I'm totally selfish).

    Peace out!

  9. To all,

    The word 'vacate' can basically be found in the word 'vacation' - so Craig and all you other type A folks - when you go on vacation - GO and vacate the world you typically live in, which I'm sure has it fair share of stress. As a recovery type A myself I have certainly found that finding the right work-life balance has made me a better person - yeah I know that's one of those touchy feely HR things but there's some serious merit to it. For me, taking momentary respites from the grind of the day by reading and posting on blogs such as these that keep me sane between vacations and my work is certainly better because of such little daily vacations.

    So Craig - turn off the laptop, let the battery lose it charge, jump in the lake and play with the wife and kids - your job and bloggers will be waiting for you on your return.

  10. Craig - I just spent a week away from the computer and it did wonders! I snuck away to a Tim Hortons in town one day and surfed for 30 minutes, but I didn't read anything about anything for 7 days. It was very refreshing!

    Good luck with your quest for recharging!

  11. Yes, unplug on vacation! Read a book! greg p, are you a hoser? Hortons?

  12. I just wanted to be Number 12.

  13. Not a hoser, but close, Pete!

    Up here in central Maine, you can choose between Dunkin' Donuts and Tim Hortons. It's really not close, despite DD's fanbase, Timmy's rules.

  14. Greg P, Hortons is the great unifying force in this country, seriously. The french, the english, white collar, blue collar, caucasian, non caucasian...we're all at "Timmies". We buy each other a "Timmies", it's a friendly gesture. Hortons is ubiqutious ( sic probably ) in this nation. Now to my question, they have internet access at the Hortons in MA? I've never seen a Hortons in this country with web access. That is the domain of the more snobbish coffee shops here, Starbucks, Bridgehead, Second Cup.....

    Did you know that Tim Horton was a Toronto Maple Leafs defenceman?

    How cliched are we in this country? Take off, eh!

  15. No, you take off, you hoser.

    Funny story. We were at this particular Tim's when I noticed someone with a laptop, so I assumed they had internet access. Next time in, I get the laptop out of the car and turn it on. The network available was for the Ford dealership across the street, so no, they do not have internet access at Tim's in Skowhegan, Maine. But you can get there from Tim's!

    And yes, this part of Maine is pretty much part of Canada anyway, so I did know that Horton was a defenceman (sic)!

  16. Come back. Please? Soon? I need my shyster quips in the morning to tell me what happened in last night's games. Or else, I have to look it up myself, and honestly, I'm too darn lazy sometimes.


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