Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Feel The Filial Love

USA Today profiles three minor league players with famous dads: Cutter Dykstra, Devaris Strange-Gordon, and Jeremy Barfield, sons of Lenny, Tom, and Jesse, respectively. It's all about how the guys deal with famous names, the lessons learned from dad, and the kind of stuff you'd expect from this kind of article. For example:

Jesse Barfield was known for his strong arm, and he has worked with his son so that Jeremy's arm will also be powerful. Jeremy admits that, thanks to his father, his arm is one of his strengths. But even he holds no illusions about his arm surpassing his father's "legendary" gun, and Barfield's ability to reach the majors appears to revolve around his powerful bat.
But something seems to be missing from this story. Something I just can't put my finger on . . . oh wait, here it is:

Former Toronto Blue Jays star Jesse Barfield is nursing a head injury after an alleged altercation with his son, according to the Houston Chronicle.

According to the Harris County Sheriff's Department, Jeremy Barfield was arrested shortly after 8 a.m. on Monday in Houston and faces a misdemeanour charge of family assault.

"[Jeremy Barfield] and his father had some kind of argument that apparently took place on the stairs in his house," police spokesman Lt. John Martin told
the newspaper.

"The father was lower on [the] stairs than Jeremy was and ... at some point during [the] argument, Jeremy shoved him and he ended up falling down the stairs and struck his head pretty hard on the floor."
That was from an August 2006 story. I don't know what ever came of those charges, but you'd think that father-son assault would be worth a mention in a father-son article, no?


  1. Lazy reporting by the USAT writer.

  2. Did you check for a pie chart or a bar graph or something? The most important info in the usa today is always presented in pie chart form.


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