Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Reader Question

I've been toying with the idea of starting the morning with some recaps of the previous night's games once the season starts. It wouldn't be comprehensive or anything. Rather, it would probably just be a score and a ShysterBallesque comment or two about something interesting that happened in a game, its implication, or what have you. Certainly not all of the games.

Any value to this, or do you get enough of that from other places already?


  1. I think it'd be great - a good way for me to catch up on the games from the previous evening on my regular blog review. But then, I'm in London so might have a bit of a different view.

  2. your little comment or two would make it worth it, always love hearing things from your point of view (sorry don't mean to sound to ass kissy there)

  3. Andy -- you're a Mariners fan, right? It must be weird that your team may still be playing its evening game when you wake up in the morning.

    anon -- if you think ass kissing like that is going to get you anywhere with me, well, you're absolutely right. ;-)

  4. Sounds like a good idea to me. I say give it a try and if you get bored of doing it after a while, beg your readers' pardon and stop.

    btw . . . awesome Gob Bluth reference earlier. Man I loved that show.

  5. Never mind what we want, this isn't a focus group.

    Just always write the kind of thing that someone exactly like you would like to read, and things will work out OK.

    (That advice is specific to you: it isn't universally applicable)

  6. as long as there isn't any huge Yankee bashing! I mean seriously, after reading all the stories yesterday about them going to play VT, how could you call them evil (please don't answer that)

  7. The more you write, the less work I get done. So, yes! Write more!

  8. I'm on board with every word you type. I've abandoned many lesser sites for you, so any words you have, please give.

    /worshiping at the Shyster alter

  9. Wow, I'm flattered folks. Based on the feedback, I think I'll give it a whirl. It may work, it may not (as you all know, a lot of my blogging is done clandestinely, so I worry about consitency of product), but I guess I'll figure that out pretty quickly.

    And please -- even those of you worshipping at the Shyster alter -- feel free to tell me if it's lame.

  10. I think you should give it a whirl, too. I only visit a few blogs (JoePo, Rany) and as a Royals fan stuck in Central Maine, we don't have much else to look forward to and you usually have something interesting or thought-provoking to start the day.

  11. eh, i think it might take your time and effort away from what you usually do. i guess i see your blog as a sort of commenting on the game or aspects of the game. to include comments about games here or there . . . just seems that it would waste your time. i think you do a great job. your blog feels more relevant than the other sports blogs i read.

  12. Actually, I worry about that too, Crawdaddy. Unless and until I can figure out how to make a living at this, reading/posting time is going to be at a premium. I'm still inclined to give it a shot, but if I think I'm skimping on stuff I'd normally cover, I'll be inclined to trash it pretty quickly.

  13. You're right - if I wake up as early as say, Shyster, I could actually catch the end of the game which happened once or twice last year. Kind of crazy, but very worthwhile.

  14. I think you should stick with mentioning things that are worth mentioning. Don't feel obliged to comment on every game.

  15. Do it...really enjoy your opinions.

  16. I enjoy your comments on a wide variety of topics and think that your thoughts on the previous nights games would be terrific. Additionally, I live overseas and my following of MLB is pretty much restricted to box scores and internet reports, so any amount of insight/flavor you could add would be much appreciated. Thanks


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