Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Je suis mon chapeau

The people at New Era saw you at the paddock before the second race. They saw you before you woke up this morning:

According to Gina Goss, New Era's women's product development manager, your choice in cap is a dead giveaway for the rest of your wardrobe. "You can tell where they shop, what kind of car they drive, what kind of sneakers they wear,"she said.

Try this: If you're wearing the 59Fifty, visor flat but backward, you may be an aspiring or pro skateboarder. Hot pink and glittery? You're probably a Texas girl.

If your cap is made from what looks like a comfy grey T-shirt, you're probably home in the Northeast. Does the pattern play to your Gucci handbag or Pucci scarf? You're probably a New York City or Toronto trendsetter who will be looking for something simpler next season. Prefer bright colours, maybe floral or Hawaiian-style, or crisp white? You're in Florida. If it's a plaid "trucker" you don, where the back half of the crown is mesh, or a super distressed cap, you're probably in California, maybe just in
from surfing.
Um, OK. For something a little more useful about New Era hats, check this out.


  1. "The people at New Era saw you at the paddock before the second race. They saw you before you woke up this morning:"

    Yes! Fantastic reference, only you forgot the "outside the
    men's room when I placed my bet."

    No matter. I loved it anyway.

  2. Where is that line from? I recognize it from somehwere but I can't figure it out?

  3. Ocean's 11. Carl Reiner talking to Brad Pitt at the dog track.


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