Monday, February 25, 2008

Get me, I'm Progressive!

David Chase at has compiled a list of the "101 Best Progressive Baseball Blogs and Rescources." Would I link to it if it didn't include ShysterBall?

Sure. That's what being progressive is all about!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some globalization to protest or somesuch.


  1. I'm sorry, but you are leagues ahead of UmpBump, how the hell are they ahead of you? That right there totally discredits the list, I couldn't even read on...

  2. Well, if we didn't already know that "progressive" was being defined loosely here, we'd only have to read about three words of The Baseball Crank.

  3. Anon: Not sure that he's actually ranking in any particular order, but I appreciate the boosterism all the same!

    Jason: Thanks!

    Ian: I think I disagree with The Baseball Crank on just about everything, but I like him all the same. The guy's a thinker, and I like thinkers even if we draw different conclusions from our respective thought processes.

  4. Shyster: Gosh, seemed like he was just parroting the same crap one might hear from Limbaugh every day. About public policy, at least, I didn't detect a great deal of thinking. I'm sure he's good on baseball, but I don't have time wade through the right-wing rhetoric.

  5. There's some of that, sure. It's not all that way, though. I mean, BC isn't exactly high on my list of political blogs, but unlike some of his political persuasion, he will occasionally cop to being wrong about something. Other times he'll stick to his opinions beyond where most would, but at least he shows his work. Maybe it's faint praise, but for an extremely partisan blogger, he's not as bad as he could be.


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