Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?

The Yankees' traveling secretary pleads guilty to tax fraud. I don't have the transcript from the hearing, but I'm pretty sure he had to plead ignorance on this one. Cause if someone told him that that sort of behavior was FROWNED upon . . .

In other easy punchline news, the Anna Benson show may soon be coming to a ballpark near you.

1 comment:

  1. More importantly, is Szen the replacement for Wilhelm or Morgan. I never really understood who was the traveling secretary, who was the boss, etc. etc. Because Morgan was there first, then there were a few times they were together, Morgan never signed the Boss' birthday card, then it was mostly Wilhelm. So did Wilhelm fire Morgan, or were they coworkers and Big Stein fired Morgan? I need to know these things . . .

    Also, other than that one time where George went to the mountains and pretended to be near dead because he left his car in the Bronx in it ended up getting pigeon poop on it making the Boss think he was dead, how come George never ended up being promoted at all to traveling secretary? Or at least given a different job horizontally on the chain, like CLUBHOUSE GUY - then we would REALLY know who on the Yankees could have ended up on that Mitchell Report . . .


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