Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Kazmir Rumor

One of the things I loathe about sports radio (and many team-specific online communities too) is when a team's fans start making up crazy trade scenarios that, while wonderful for their own team, wouldn't happen in a million years because it would require the GM for the other team involved to be a blithering idiot. If I had a nickel for every time I heard some Reds fan around here spout his latest "Griffey to New York for Cano, Chamberlin, and cash" scenario, I'd be living large.

It's another thing altogether when a reporter says stuff like this because, theoretically speaking anyway, he has to have a source for this stuff. Example? The New York Post's Joel Sherman talking crazy about the Rays dealing Scott Kazmir:

An executive familiar with Tampa's thinking said if the offers for Santana grow to a substantial level, then the Rays would test to see what they could get for Scott Kazmir.

The thinking is that because Kazmir is three years from free agency as opposed to one year for Santana, he might bring nearly as much in return.

Great thinking! Maybe he'd even bring something really valuable like a cheap 23 year-old All Star pitcher who led the league in strikeouts!

Oh, wait . . .

And yeah, I know I'm a little bit late to this (fun discussion here), but that's what happens when you suffer through business travel.

1 comment:

  1. Geez, I haven't heard anything that nutty since Victor Zambrano for Scott Kazmir.


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